Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ten Feet

I'm sitting here tracing it over and over again in my mind. Thinking about what is to happen and exactly what it means. There are a few things that are uncertain but all of the important things are clear. As has happened on many occasions before and will happen again and again, I mentally walk the ten feet in my mind. It brings about the same questions that are always brought up. What is distance? What is space? How do I let that affect me on a daily basis? How will it affect me in the future? If there were no units of measurement for these distances would it mean the same thing to me? To these questions I have no's simply a meditative process.

I do not fear the present or the future. My past is quickly coming to a point of acceptance and resolve. Returning to one of my few places of balance has created an almost unnerving calm in me. I am prepared for the coming flurry of blows that will be raining down upon me with relentlessness and I will accept all of them with a genuine smile. I have found the line through four dimensional space that will guide me to the outcome of whatever fate has in store for me and I will walk down it boldly without hesitation or resent. But for now...for right now...I indulge in my insecurities. I retrace that ten feet.

I am serious about the decisions that I have made and I will see it through to the end. No matter how long it takes.